Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bonus Round: trick question VI?

Here's a chance to earn bonus points! Along with answering the trick question you must find the Rick Astley "Never Gonna Give You Up" video on YouTube in order to answer this question!

Once again, winners receive Best Answer and tickets to the popular opera starring Wilford Brimley titled "Diabeetus".

Bonus prizes include: Discount Lemon Flavored Pop-Tarts, a rerouted mail subscription of Playboy magazine, Free tax service courtesy of Audit Chimps the premier chimpanzee employed tax preparation service, and entire season 4 DVD copy of American Divorce Proceedings the popular CourtTV reality show of the drama and comedy of divorce!

Good Luck and Think Hard!

Here's the question:

In the second chorus verse of Rick Astely's song "Never Gonna Give You Up" Rick Astley mentions a young woman. Who was that woman?

A) Bridgette Nielsen

B) Geraldine Ferraro

C) Nancy Reagan

D) Rick Roll

Bonus Round: trick question VI?ms stress

E. Other. There are no women mentioned in the song.

Bonus Round: trick question VI?home theater system opera theater:) Ha! Well... tell the chimps I already did my taxes... Report It

B) Geraldine Ferraro
c! l'm only guessing!
Um... C



You're funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

A is my answer!!!
A . Bridgette. I'm just guessing now.
(C) cheese steak
IDK -- but i love the prizes -- u rock ----

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