Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do you have an inside joke? DO TELL :D !!??

1- for some reason i enjoy reading other people's inside jokes even though it's one of those 'had-to-be-there' things. so just write it like you were talking to a friend :)

2- you probably want to hear one of mine :) My friend [i'm using nick names] Bacon and my friend Tomato and i were on a field trip sitting together. so Bacon said she saw a 'hott' guy in the museum. so Tomato pulled out her museum ticket nad wrote about weird stuff like "her buring passion enlightened her on the road of Lover. it was a sensation like no other" [basically this real cheesy love-soap opera story about the two of them] and she started saying it out loud. and what made if really funny was that in the end, we had to turn in the tickets :P

Do you have an inside joke? DO TELL :D !!??phantom of the opera

uh. well one time..

i was watching a vid with my friend%26amp;%26amp;it said E=mc^2. well, we randomly both were trying to think of what would fit the letters. we said energy equals marshmallows times cake. like at the same time. so now eveytime we see the formula we laugh.

Do you have an inside joke? DO TELL :D !!??listen to opera opera theater

do i have an inside joke? i have like a thousand. i dont feel like typing a whole story so . =D
i do,me and my guy friend go up to random people and mouth olive uice,and watch their weirded out faces.and we're like "dude whats wrong with olive juice??"
lmao!! i hav so many! ok heres my most appearenced:

my friend Layla and i were ice skating and she's not exaclty awesome at it so i kept making fun of her and skating away.

anywhose, she thought the skategaurd was considered 'hot' which i thought the complete opposite. so what i told her to do was fall on purpose and he'll come over and help pick her up and teach her how to skate. but she didn't believe me so i had to prove it to her...

so i kept falling on purpose in front of the 'hot' skateguard and he never helped me up!! and layla kept laughing and laughing and she told me later the guy kept skating the opposite way shaking his head!! i was soooo embarressed!

so now if we see a 'hot' guy, go iceskating, or even see a pair of iceskates we crack up and i get all red in the face. so much for damzel in distress.
me and my friends were running to my house and we were behind thhe school bus

and one of my friends ran up really close to it and the bus driver honked at her

the driver than stopped and stayed there for like 10 minutes

later she said she was trying to knock on the window of the bus

yes im talking abut you Elena E.
--one time at lunch it was really akward cause these girls me %26amp; my friends don't like to much were at the table. and someone said to make an akward silence (idk why there already was one) and two of my friends started making sex sounds cause they thought that they said make akward sounds. and then i started screaming "GAY BABIES GAY BABIES GAY BABIESSSS" cause someone told me that every akward silence a gay baby was born. so there was a bunch of sex sounds and me screaming gay babies really loudly all at once. other lunch tables must think were crazy.

--and another time there was a security guard person standing by our table and my friend didn't know it. so my friend dylan was under the table and my friend towsif said(really loadly) "DYLAN IF YOU WANT TO GIVE ME A BL0W J0B YOU CAN DO IT TONIGHT." and they guy just looked at us like we were crazy and we all starteded laughing and we walked away.

--in on of these classroom the faucet is broken so you can stick your finger up it. so we always go to the back of the classroom and stick our finger in it and turn on the water. so today i guess my finger wasnt in all the way and i turned it on and the water went everywhere. so i was just standing there in the back of the classroom covered in water.

--one time i told this really long story about this girl growing up with monkeys and then her face got like chopped off and they took this monkey she grew up with face and put it on hers (its a book, not real) and at the end of the story we were all just sitting there and my friend goes "so...she grew up with monkeys?" which was the beginning of the story.

yupp basically all these are "you had to be theres" but you said you like to hear them.
"I don't know what that is, but I'ma lick that too" friend talking about the inside of the turkey at Thanksgiving. We say it a lot now.

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