Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Democrat candidates were asked during the debate, what they would do?

During the first 100 days in office, they said *Bring the Troops home, end the War in Iraq...Oh okay..does that mean we won the War on Terrorism??? or does that mean we will send the Radical Islasmists, a white flag, a bowl of tabouli salad and

tickets to the opera?

So we just leave Iraq, Iran takes over and we stand guard at the border checking ID Cards..How can anyone think the Democratic party has a solution on anything that ails the USA when all they do, is have a tums approach to a Major Ulcer problem?

The Democrat candidates were asked during the debate, what they would do?say yes

Gopanic your and Idiot,

As a former soldier who has been deployed all over the world and been to both Afgan and Iraq, I agree 100%. It would also be near impossible to re-Deploy all that equipmennt and troops in 100 Days, that's coming from someone with Military experiance

AS former Military what do I know right? but I am sure that Osama and the boys Attepted to blow up the world Center in 93, I do know They Killed 19 Airman and wounded 300 Airman in 96 at Khobar Towers, I do know, That Osama and the Boys Blew up 2 U.S. Embassy's in Africa in 98, I do know that Osama and the boys Blow a Hole in the U.S..S Cole in 2000. I do know that 3,000 Americans were killed by Osama and the Boys on 9-11, So If we leave and they win, and they gain strengh and more followers, there gonna come fast and hard against us, so if people want to live in a left wing nut world where everything is America's Fault, someday they may realize one morning were fighting these Terrorists for our WAY OF LIFE at least Bush is doing something about it!!!!!!! Heck CLINTON did nothing about it, expect LIE ABOUT HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH A GIRL IN WOULDN'T HAVE TOUCHED IN HIGH SCHOOL, and spent more time worrying about LYING ABOUT scandals like Whitewater, PREJURE, THAN MAYBE he would have taken Bin Laden into custody in 98 when the Sudan was willing to hand him over.

The Democrat candidates were asked during the debate, what they would do?palace theatre opera theater

It probably depends on whether or not you're talking about "The Marriage of Figaro" or "Nixon in China"
So, leaving Iraq is giving up on the war? Let's look at a few facts.

1. The concept of them following us home. They are here already. The evidence is the alleged plot to attack Fort Dix and the alleged plot to blow up JFK airport.

2. Since the election in 2004, we have not raised the terror threat level. Clearly it was motivated by politics. We have stopped at least three attacks since then (the two mentioned above and the plot in Great Britian).

3. Iraq is now a failed state. failed states breed terrorism.

4. Our borders are not secure. We should have our security people at every airport and port in North America. That's how you keep terrorists out of the United States. But we don;t do that.

We pretend we are tough on terror, but we really just go through some motions.
It sends the message that we care enough about the troops and hard working, tax paying citizens to get us out of a bogus war that the corrupt government got us into in the first place.
I agree, they have mastered the art of criticism, but how easy it is to criticize when you don't have a better solution.
No we can't be racist and "card" the illegals as they cross.The radical Jihadist will be glad to see the US leave.

I'm sure they will be in the US not long after they see the white flag.
You have to understand that the consequences outlined above are those held in the beliefs of the republican parties and their supporters. Its easier to think that if we pull out we are giving up but dozens of analysts with the same or better qualifications as the Bush administration's believe that pulling out is the best way to go. I know this is not what you want to believe, but we are not fighting a war on terror, we are occupying a country that does not want us. Even Republican Ron Paul said, we should at least listen to why the radicals are telling us they are attacking us, because we go over there and put bases on their land for decades. Besides, al-Qaeda were not the ones responsible for starting the war on "terrorism" it was the Taliban, but thats besides the point. How would you respond if other countries came to america, stationed troops and bases to try to fix us? If we retaliate in self defense, is that aggression? Does it merit sending more soldiers in? Ponder that and get back to me if you want.
Well said.
There is no way we're going to bring the troops home in the first 100 days regardless of what they say.

Our party says crap like that all the time to get into office and then they forget what they promised.
Here is the one thing that the democrats stand for that this administration has refused to even consider. CHANGE. As much as Bush will never admit it, because of his ridiculous need to just continue to stick to his same reasoning, the public is smarter than he thinks. We know that everything he is doing in Iraq is just more versions of the same thing. Oh, we want chage, ok, we'll send more people. Okay, great, but what's the new strategy? Ummm, strategy? I sent more people, doesn't that count? Uhh, not really, you just sent more people to be sitting ducks in a civil war.

As a previous poster said. Iraq is a failed state that breeds terrorism. The one thing that is uniting a gigantic majority of the people there is that they do not want the US there. The only person who really wants us there is the current Iraqi President so that he won't actually have to take responsibility for anything going wrong with his country. While we're there, he can just say it's Bush's fault. We are not creating stability, as one poster suggests. We're causing the chaos there by our sheer prescence. Bush wants us there for one reason, the ability to further his own policies. Now since he's using other people's lives to futher his own agenda, is that better than brining our soldiers home from a war that we had no business starting in the first place?

As far as doing it in the first 100 days, I think that might be a stretch, but well withing the first full year of office, I think the troops do need to be gotten out of the country and back home. They are fighting for something that was presented as patriotic and for our own protection, but has been shown for a lie. Does that make me unamerican to not want the troops in danger in a place a lie placed them? If it does, then I'm unamerican, and so it at least 72% of the country. The major ulcer you refer to is Bush.
early withdrawl from iraq would lead to harsher sectarian violence and yet another oppressive sectular regime like the one they had before. if cant be done in 100 days. and iran wont **** with them theyll wait until one group assumes power then ally with them on the basis of hatered for democracy. though i dont think we should have gone over there in the first place we are there now and have to finish. we cant win the war on terrorism just like we cant win the war on drugs or poverty or any other fictionl wars that we dont have a battlefield to fight on or soldiers to fight. the govt can only devote so much time effort and money into these type things and we dont have that right now nor will we ever. the only thing we can do is keep our homeland safe and use the defense budget to fund defense and not militarism.
I do not agree with the motives for starting the war, but I believe that now that we are there, we might as well finish the job. If we end up with another Vietnam, I think that would only boost the radicals' morale.
Our troops are policing a civil war right now. They're targets - like sitting ducks. You want that to remain the same then?
No, it means that we will finally face the fact that our troops are stuck in the middle of another country's civil war that has been going on for many centuries and may go on for, who knows how many more centuries!

We went to Iraq to fight terrorism ?

Are you an idiot ?

Are you capable of independent thought ? You are your sheep friends seem to all repeat the exact same lies...word for word. Rush must be proud.

We went there for oil...idiot

Didn't you notice that all 4,000 reasons told for our being in Iraq have all been exposed as LIES

What a waste of space between your ears
Thank goodness! I was beginning to think I was the only one who had noticed this...
Totally agree. Although I do not believe the war in Iraq was handled well AT ALL, we have worked our way into a situation where if we leave Iraq, the people in that country will be utterly slaughtered and mass civil war will break out. At this point, we are the only thing keeping them stable in the slightest. The flip side of this is that progress has been incredibly slow, as we struggle to simply hold on to a country that is overwrought with years of hate, tension, and violence that is just now boiling over.
I agree with you 100 percent. When it comes down do it they don't really know where they stand.
The terrorists and their cells would just follow us home.
Lewis black put it best Democrats have no Idea and republicans have very bad Ideas.

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