Saturday, December 5, 2009

Good enough for a first lesbian date?

Tomorrow I'm taking my girlfriend out to the Metropolitan Opera House in Lincoln Center which is in New York. I got 2 tickets from a friend which might be as much as $150. It is a worldwide known spot which most of you must have heard of. She has never yet been to an opera before. We're going to see "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. I've read the book, but she never even heard of it before. After we see it, I'm going to take her to eat at some great restaurant which is located right near there. The only problem is that she's 16 and not really familiar with operas,broadway shows, and, well, NYC. Might she be too young to understand the opera? Even though I am only 13, I've been living the city life since I was born and have been to mostly every classical broadway show there is. I'm very familiar with classical literature and therefore enjoy the shows and operas. So, do you think it would be a good place to take her out to? Need opinions from my fellow gay and lesbian friends, especially from those who have been to Lincoln Center.

Good enough for a first lesbian date?home theater

i wish i had a gf like u! that sound wonderful, and its the thought that counts!!! she will have a great time, and so will u.

Good enough for a first lesbian date?comedy club opera theater

I think it is great and I wish I lived in New york and had a date to take me to the opera! If she has no previous experience of opera then she may not 'understand' it and that doesn't matter much if she can enjoy the live music and on stage spectacle. I am not familiar with the opera you are going to see so I cannot comment on that. I have never seen opera in New York, but I have in other cities and all were passable to excellent to me , except for Wagner's 'Parsifal' which I endured in Vienna and I found unending, dreary and incomprehensible! Even if she is uncertain about the opera I am sure she will enjoy the dinner afterwards.

More than good enough for a first lesbian date......Enjoy!
maybe maybe not.
sorry but no normal 16yr old would date an 13yr old kid. Keep away from her!
Sounds like you've put a lot of thought into the date and you are concerned about her having a good time. I don't think she can ask for more than that.

Stop worrying and have a GREAT time.

(And no you are not too young... ignore those people).
This question has nothing to do with being gay or not. It is about age, isnt 13 kind of young to be going on a date?

Where did you get $150?

Do you parents know that she is 3 years older than you?
cudd you be myy girllfriendd??yea itt izz a goodd date buttt 13???you are too youngg!!!
I think it would be a great idea to take her to the opera. It is not an ordinary date. It's something new and a new experience. And if she does not like it this would be good to know for the future. I like the fact that you take interest in something like the opera at such a young age, that means you are mature. Hopefully your friend is the same.

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